Barnabas House Homeless Transitional Shelter for Males
Barnabas House Homeless Transitional Shelter is a supportive – yet temporary – housing accommodation that is meant to bridge the gap from homelessness to permanent housing by offering structure, supervision, support, life skills, and in some cases, education and training. The program is designed for males, eighteen years of age and older, within the area of Franklin County, New York with those individuals being afforded the opportunity to be involved in, but not limited to, the following aspects of the program:
Connection to services within the community
Transportation assistance
Financial Assistance
Utilities Assistance
Food Assistance
Connection to Primary Care/medical services
Benefit advisement
One-on-One Mutual Support
Housing application assistance
Planning and guidance
Employment assistance and/or connection to employment opportunities
Assistance with personal hygiene products
Clothing aspects (both formal and informal)
Connection to mental health counseling
Connection to substance use counseling
Assistance with creating an individualized service plan (ISP)
Contact us to see if you qualify for this service 518-521-3507